Faber-Castell/Creativity for Kids® needed a cost-effective lever to move their brand into the spotlight. The company sought to equate its brand with creativity and reclaim market share in the toy activity category it pioneered more than 40 years ago. TWIST Creative invented the Creativity Can as that lever for recognition and launched it at the 110th American International Toy Fair.
While most of the big and small toymakers were launching the next generation of screen-based and/or battery-dependant IQ suckers, Creativity for Kids flanked the market with an anti-hero position by asking “Is creativity linked to wellness and lifetime success?” The answer is yes. That answer and the proof that goes with it made the Creativity Can the favored product of both bloggers and the industry media. The Creativity Can is presented as a simple antidote to declining creativity scores in school-aged children. Studies show there is a creativity crisis that has worsened each year since 1990. The proof is in an analysis of scores from the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking.
TWIST Creative leveraged our media relations and social media arms to gain a pre-launch buzz at Toy Fair and now the Creativity Can™ is busy touring all major markets in support of Creativity for Kids’ retailers and a creativity comeback in children.
See the campaign in action here.
WLNY, “The Couch”, New York City (VIDEO)
WEWS, Cleveland (VIDEO – Interview begins at 7:40)
“Let’s Talk Live” – Washington, D.C. (VIDEO)
WUSA, Washington, D.C. (VIDEO)
Metro Parent Magazine, Detroit
Oakland Press, Oakland County, MI
Community Impact Newspaper, Austin, TX
Metro Parent Magazine, Detroit