Meet the Girl Unlimited

She Rises Boldly to the Challenges of Her Times

How do you represent the experience of attending one of the nation’s most renowned all-girls educational institutions to parents, students, and donors? That’s the challenge Hathaway Brown School presented to TWIST. The solution created is a look book that blends information for parents, students, and influencers into an at-a-glance portrait of a day in the life of the Hathaway Brown student. Discussion with parents and students lead to a look book that answers questions about the HB girl and her life. What is she learning? Who is teaching her? What does she eat? What does she wear? Who are her heroes? These questions and many more lead to a piece that enhanced the admission and enrollment process.

Hathaway Brown View Book
Hathaway Brown View Book
Our daughters are unlimited.
Hathaway Brown View Book
Hathaway Brown View Book
Hathaway Brown View Book
Hathaway Brown View Book

Through student, faculty, and alumnae storytelling, the Hathaway Brown look book is a visual portrait of a day in the life of the HB girl. The TWIST team directed student photography and utilized student artifacts to provide collages that offer a window into the HB student experience.

Hathaway Brown View Book
Hathaway Brown Student
Hathaway Brown Student
Hathaway Brown View Book
Hathaway Brown Capital Campaign

As Hathaway Brown looks toward the future, the modernization of their century-old campus became a critical part of their evolution as a female-forward, 21st century learning institution. Leveraging the brand language created by TWIST, the school’s “Historically Modern” ethos was a critical component of the board’s ask for contributions from alumnae, connected families, and other funding sources. TWIST created the LOVE HB message platform and built an identity and outreach campaign.

Hathaway Brown Capital Campaign
Hathaway Brown Capital Campaign
Hathaway Brown Capital Campaign
Hathaway Brown Capital Campaign
TWIST Creative Inc. - A Full Service Advertising Agency