Duck Tape De-evolves its product and brand to go toe to toe with a tough competitor in the DIY space.
ShurTech Brands, the maker of Duck Tape, is reestablishing its dominance in the DIY category as its main product moves into the craft space. T-Rex is stronger, stickier and scarier than its competitors. T-Rex Tape is simultaneously launching in the US, Germany and the UK. TWIST was charged with developing a highly memorable, language and culturally agnostic campaign that would appeal to outdoorsmen and DIYers on multiple continents.
“Ferociously Strong Tape”
A roar doesn’t require a translation.
US Specific Content Strategy: Meet the Handymen
“T-Rex tape is launching with an established competitor in the market. To get lift we had to create an idea that was fun and repeatable, an inside joke men could share.” — Michael Ozan, CEO/Chief Creative Officer