Say No to Local Hunger

Harvest for Hunger - Logo

Help Feed Local Families & Neighbors

Bringing together four Northeast Ohio Food Banks, Harvest for Hunger strives to raise funds and food for the most vulnerable through a coordinated effort. The campaign is driven by local individual and corporate support, as well as through relationships with the media, grocery stores and local schools.

The client came to TWIST to further develop the campaign, bringing in new messaging to help increase overall donations. The Fearless Thinkers researched all core audiences to understand donating triggers and how to best activate each audience in the customer journey.

TWIST developed campaigns for each audience, including developing a communications plan for outreach and engagement on social media and through traditional media relations. Harvest for Hunger saw across the communities an increase in donations, awareness, and education of how hunger impacts the area.

grocery store with Harvest for Hunger standing poster
students walking by Harvest for Hunger poster
shopping cart with Harvest for Hunger sign on end
green Harvest for Hunger buttons on yellow background

“Our work with the four Northeast Ohio food banks impacted not just each organization, but the region as a whole.”

— Charlene Coughlin, Partner & President of TWIST Creative

three Harvest for Hunger posters / signs
Harvest for Hunger digital ads on news website
Harvest for Hunger print ad in newspaper
Harvest for Hunger print ad in newspaper
Harvest for Hunger landing page
grid of Harvest for Hunger social posts
TWIST Creative, Inc. | Performance Driven Marketing for Purpose Driven Causes